236 research outputs found

    Program for integrating multizonal photographs of the Earth, taken by MKF-6 camera, in a computer

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    An algorithm and program are described, for integrating up to 6 simultaneously exposed photographs in different spectral ranges of the surface of the Earth, taken by MKF-6 cameras aboard Soyuz-22. Three of the reference marks are identified on 1 photograph and then are used to integrate the other photographs with the first. The program was compiled for the ES-1040 computer, as a standard subprogram in a system for computer processing of data of study of the Earth from space

    Review of analytical instruments for EEG analysis

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    Since it was first used in 1926, EEG has been one of the most useful instruments of neuroscience. In order to start using EEG data we need not only EEG apparatus, but also some analytical tools and skills to understand what our data mean. This article describes several classical analytical tools and also new one which appeared only several years ago. We hope it will be useful for those researchers who have only started working in the field of cognitive EEG

    BDSIM-Beamline Simulation Toolkit Based on GEANT4

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    http://cern.ch/AccelConf/e06/PAPERS/WEPCH124.PDFInternational audienceBDSIM is a code that combines accelerator-style par- ticle tracking with traditional Geant-style tracking based on Runge-Kutta techniques. This approach means that particle beams can be tracked efficiently when inside the beampipe, while also enabling full Geant4 processes when beam-particles interact with beamline apertures. Tracking of the resulting secondary particles is automatic. The code is described, including a new MAD-style interface and new geometry description, and key performance parameters are listed

    To 110th Anniversary of the Federal Public Health Institution Astrakhan Plague Control Station

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    Presented is a historical essay on the work of one of the oldest Russian anti-plague institutions - Astrakhan Plague Control Station. Noted is the fact that specialists of this institution made a substantial contribution to the development of the theory of plague natural focality and other contagious infections, as well as to the provision for and implementation of measures for epidemiological surveillance and prophylaxis of plague and other particularly dangerous infectious diseases in the territory of the North-West Caspian sea region

    Energy saving effect of application of electricity transmissions on the direct current

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    The purpose of operation is: to prove feasibility of application of electricity transmissions on a direct current by technical and economic comparing. In this article methods in case of most of which rationally to apply electricity transmissions on a direct current by the analysis of merits and demerits of two types of electricity transmissions are considered. Also technical and economic comparing of two types of electricity transmissions then boundaries of applicability of a direct and alternating current are revealed is carried out.Целью работы является: доказать целесообразность применения электропередач на постоянном токе путем технико-экономического сравнения. В данной статье рассматриваются способы, при которых наиболее рационально применять электропередачи на постоянном токе путем анализа достоинств и недостатков двух видов электропередач. Также проводится технико-экономическое сравнение двух видов электропередач, после чего выявлены границы применимости постоянного и переменного тока


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    The article describes the most pertinent techniques for morphologic diagnosis of tuberculosis incorporating the related problems encountered by practicing pathologists including frequently meet co-infection with HIV, increase of non-tuberculous mycobacterioses and detection of mycobacteria possessing atypical properties presented by coccus and branching forms. The detection of causative agents located extracellular is discussed as well as their potential ability to form biofilms.Приведены характеристики наиболее актуальных методов морфологической диагностики туберкулеза с учетом объективных трудностей, встречающихся практикующим патологам, в том числе нередкого сочетания с ВИЧ-инфекцией, учащением нетуберкулезных микобактериозов и обнаружением микобактерий с атипичными свойствами, представленных кокковидными и ветвящимися формами. Обсуждается обнаружение внеклеточно расположенных возбудителей, а также их потенциальная способность к формированию биопленок


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    A complex of diagnostic measures for detection of a suspected SARS patient is analyzed. Clinical course of the disease in dynamics especially at the early stages allowed to suspect SARS in a worker arrived from China. The diagnosis was cancelled on the basis of the clinical data and laboratory negative results. However, this case allowed to practically perfect tactics of interactions between different services during realization of anti-epidemic measures in a case of SARS suspicion including notification, hospital basis development and PCR-diagnostics adoption